Donate blood, make the difference campaign


The initiative is promoted by the Library together with the Trasfusional Centre at the Ospedale Policlinico San Martino on Genova. The purpose is to sensitize our library's students  - that tomorrow will be physicians - to donate blood as a sympathetic, altruistic, civic, and social action. The campaign takes place in the spring-summer seasons because in this period the hospitals could typically have a shortage of blood and blood products. 

HOW: your donation could make the difference

Proper blood provisions are necessary - especially when the summer comes - to assure the treatment of many diseases and clinical emergencies. 

WHEN: the project's agenda

  • THE CAMPAIGN LASTS ALL SUMMER LONG  You can book your donation by filling in this form online [ITA] or by mailing: 
  • in the email you must indicate: "Biomedical library project" and your name and surname, your email, your age (years), and your phone. You will be called by the Transfusional Centre of the Ospedale Policlinico San Martino operators to fix an appointment. 
  • We celebrate WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAY 2023 June 13 organizing the second Open Day of the donation campaign. 27 persons had made a blood donation. 
  • On May 9 the first Open day happened. It was dedicated to the students, and 43 persons made a blood donation. Thanks to All!

#donate #Library #Solidarity #make_the_difference

The library has delivered the following service: a concise list of resources for transfusional medicine [ITA]   
Credits (text and images): Rotary Club Genova Golfo Paradiso


Last update 24 December 2023