Open Access resources : DERMATOLOGY

OPEN ACCESS resources for Medicine, Clinic and Nursing: Dermatology

You are on the web page dedicated to DERMATOLOGY in the OPEN ACCESS resources for Medicine, Clinics and Nursing portal project. The scientific resources set out below are available to everyone because they are released by the publisher in Open Access.   

Case Reports in Dermatology (Karger)    
Dermatology and Therapy (Adis - Springer Nature)    
Dermatology Practical & Conceptual (International Dermoscopy Society)    
Dermatology reports (ADOI - Associazione Dermatologi-Venereologi Ospedalieri Italiani e della sanità pubblica)    
Dermatology Research and Practice i (Hindawi)    
Journal of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery (Lippincott)    
Journal of Dermatological Treatment (Taylor and Francis)    
Acta Dermato-Venereologica (Medical Journals Sweden AB)    
Dermatopathology (MDPI)    
Journal of Cutaneous Immunology and Allergy (Wiley)    
Psoriasis: Targets and Therapy (Dove Press)   

Keratinocyte Biology (InTech Open, 2022)    
Psoriasis : new research (InTech Open, 2022)    
Dermatoscopy (InTech Open, 2022)    
Urticaria. Diagnosis and Management (InTech Open, 2021)    
Atopic Dermatitis (InTech Open, 2021)    
Pathogenesis and Treatment of Chronic Pruritus (MDPI, 2020)    
Skin-Related Neglected Tropical Diseases (Skin-NTDs)—A New Challenge (MDPI, 2019)    
Depigmentation (InTech Open, 2019)    
Scars (InTech Open, 2019)    
Tailored Treatments in Psoriatic Patients (InTech Open, 2019)    
Alopecia (InTech Open, 2019)    
Dermatologic Surgery and Procedures (InTech Open, 2018)    
Autoimmune Bullous Diseases (InTech Open, 2018)    
(InTech Open, 2018)

See also the articles of the last 365 days classified in Pubmed "MeSH major topic" Dermatology

Ultimo aggiornamento 26 Dicembre 2023