Open Access resources : PARASITOLOGY

OPEN ACCESS resources for Medicine, Clinics and Nursing: Parasitology

You are on the web page dedicated to PARASITOLOGY in the OPEN ACCESS resources for Medicine, Clinics and Nursing portal project. The scientific resources set out below are available to everyone because they are released by the publisher in Open Access

Current Research in Parasitology & Vector-Borne Diseases (Elsevier)    
Food and Waterborne Parasitology (Elsevier)    
International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance (Elsevier)    
Journal of Parasitology Research (Hindawi)    
The Lancet Microbe (Lancet)    
Journal of Vector Borne Diseases (Lippincott)    
Malaria Journal (Springer Nature)    
Parasite (EDP Sciences)    
Parasite Epidemiology and Control (Elsevier)    
Parasites & Vectors (Springer Nature)

Parasites, Zoonoses and War. A Themed Issue in Honor of Emeritus Professor John M Goldsmid (MDPI, 2020) 
Diagnosis, Epidemiology and Transmission Dynamics of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia duodenalis (MDPI, 2022) 
Parasitology and Microbiology Research (Intech Open, 2020) 
Nematodes. Recent Advances, Management and New Perspectives (Intech Open, 2022) 
Parasites and Parasitic Diseases (Intech Open, 2019) 
Vectors and Vector-Borne Zoonotic Diseases (Intech Open, 2019) 
Ticks and Tick-Borne Pathogens (Intech Open, 2019) 
Biology of Trypanosoma cruzi (Intech Open, 2019)

See also the articles of the last 365 days classified in Pubmed "MeSH major topic" Parasitology

Ultimo aggiornamento 17 Dicembre 2023