
The Library opening hours in the 2024 Summer are the following
from July 22 to August 10 opening hours 8.30-14.00 
from 12 to 23 August closed
from 26 to 30 August opening hours 8.30-14.00 
from September 1st regular hours (8.30-19.00)

The inter-library loan and document delivery services will be suspended from 4 to 24 August 

thanks to a donation from Medical school, the Libary has subscribed to two databases for Anatomy research studies and learning. The databases are based on images and videos:

During the 2024 Easter holidays:

  • Friday 29th the library observes regular hours (8.30-19.00); the evening study room service is suspended
  • Saturday 30 all study room service is suspended
  • Monday, April 1 is a holiday

The Library has subscribed, February 2024, to one access to eNCPT Electronic Nutrition Care Process Terminology

In agreement with the Settore servizi per l‘inclusione degli studenti con disabilità e con DSA all libraries of the UniGe Campus have received a video magnifier Magni Link vision TTS2.  
At the Medicine library the video magnifier is on the desk room. It is freely available during the opening hour (8.30-19.00).

A new access to the Statista database is available. This multidisciplinary tool collects, indexes, and exposes statistical data from 22.500 trusted databases allowing a visual and storytelling approach to statistical information.

The Università di Genova Library System with the Medicine Department Deanship offers the UNIGE scientific community access to UPTODATE. This Wolters Kluwer resource allows obtaining evidence-based information and scientific documents for clinical practice and research. 

Starting 2024 January 1 on the base of new "Atto di organizzazione amministrativa e tecnica di Ateneo" the  Library of Sciences School and the Library of Medicine and Pharmaceutical School will constitute the "Polo Bibliotecario di Area Medico Scientifica" (Medical and Scientific Library Centre).

The Università di Genova Library of Medicine has planned an international cooperation project with the ONG Next Onlus, which manages the  Polyclinique NEXT hospital developing clinic activities and nursing and medical training at Antsiranana (Diego Suarez) city in the north region of Madagascar.   

winter opening hours 2023/2024

The Polo Biomedico library with the Transfusion Centre of Ospedale Policlinico San Martino promotes a project for sensitizing students on the value of voluntary blood donation


 By mapping all its textbook collections, the Library of the Medical and Scientific Centre, has shifted in 2022 from the previous Decimal Dewey Classification to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classification.   

The summer opening hours of the library are the following


The Library reports the recently acquired books. They are available on the open shelf. The link on the book cover directs you to the bibliographic record in the catalogue. It is always possible to ask the library to purchase books for research or learning activities, by filling out an online form [ita] or mailing When the request book is on the shelf you will receive a notification.