HOW TO ACCESS: except for Dimensions and PubMed access to all subscribed databases is allowed on the local PCs (such as Library PCs, Laboratory PCs University open space PCs) or through the Proxy service.
Multidisciplinary resources
Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics): citational Database, it includes access to Journal citation reports, to EndNote web service (for free, individual registration is needed)
Scopus (Elsevier): Citational database, access to the CiteScore and h-index metrics
Dimensions: Citational database free access, it uses Altmetric metrics.
Dizionari Ubidictionary All Zanichelli dictionaries (EN FR DE ES RU ZH)
The E-journals (type the title of the required e-journal)
E-journals collections: Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, Cambridge Core, Lippincott, Oxford, Karger
Sage Research Methods ebook monographs
UpToDate is a biomedical and pharmaceutical resource published by Wolters Kluwer that allows access to evidence-based information and scientific documents for the research and clinic at the point of care. You can access UpToDate by free APP or the web. Registration to the service as a UniGe student is mandatory. All the information about access, registration, and database contents is HERE.
CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)
CINAHL CINAHL indexes the top nursing and allied health literature available including nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association.
CINAHL Subject Headings help users effectively search and retrieve information and follow the structure of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) used by the National Library of Medicine. It includes 1,314 journals with searchable cited references. Proxy service is needed.
European Pharmacopoeia Online / US Pharmacopea / International Pharmacopeia
The European Pharmacopoeia online and the US Pharmacopeia are acquired in 2022 thanks to a contribution from the Deanship of the School of Pharmaceutical Medical Sciences. The library offers 200 individual accesses to the European Pharmacopoeia, which replaces the subscription to the paper version.
The US Pharmacopeia is a new resource and the library offers 20 individual access.
See the detailed instructions for the access to European Pharmacopeia and US Pharmacopeia.
The International Pharmacopeia, edited by the WHO, è available online for free to all. The last edition is 11th (2022).
PubMed / MedLine
Maintained by the National Library of Medicine's NCBI (National Center of Biotechnology Information), PubMed is a free bibliographic database containing over 30 million citations and abstracts of biomedical literature. Being a bibliographic database, it does not include the full texts of the publications but has links to the full text on external sites, such as the PubMed Central archive (PMC) and other Open Access platforms, or the publisher's site of the publications. The access to full texts, when provided by a subscribed publisher, is reserved for institutional users by carrying out searchers from the personalized PubMed for Unige site. It is accessible from all the University network PCs; to access the contents from external stations it is necessary to set the Proxy PAC service on your device. We also report Medline Ovid, the Medline database on the Ovid platform. See the Tutorial [eng]
Reaxys chemical database includes over 100 million organic, inorganic, and organometallic chemical compounds, millions of reactions, and published experimental data. In addition to the traditional repertoires (Beilstein and Gmelin), there are hundreds of periodicals specialized in organic, inorganic, organometallic, physical, computational, materials science, petrochemical, pharmacy, and pharmacology, in addition to others related to the chemical field. It is accessible from all the University network PCs; to access the contents from external PCs proxy service is needed. See also other Reaxis linked resources: the free APP REACTION FLASH (Elsevier) and Reaxys Academy, a collection of tutorials and manuals.
A database of chemical literature and scientific information produced by the CAS (Chemical Abstract Service), SciFinder covers sectors such as chemistry, biology, food science, medicine, geology, chemical engineering, materials science, and physics. Daily update. It is accessible, after self-registration with UniGe institutional email address, from workstations on the University network. Link for already registered users | Link for unregistered users.
eNCPT Electronic Nutrition Care Process Terminology
Database with terminology, thesaurus and a collection of practices, international standards, and examples managed by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Resource for physician, students, nutrition professionals. The Academy's Nutrition Care Process Research Outcomes (NCPRO) Committee maintains the standardized terminology for the four steps of the NCP. Modifications to the terminology are made based on research results and changes in practice. All changes to the terminology and reference sheets were carefully reviewed by the NCPRO Committee, members of the NCPT Advisory Workgroup, and experts from the international NCP community. More than 2.000 terms, 160 diagnostic terms. 1 seat only . The Proxy is needed.
[not available in 2025] A web platform that publishes educational and scientific videos for STEM disciplines. The Journal of Visualized Experiments is a highly innovative tool for teaching in the medical and scientific fields. All videos, viewable in HD on any device, can be shared between teachers and students via the same e-learning platforms. The resource includes two sections: "Research" and "Education": '' Research '' allows access to over 10,000 peer-reviewed video articles published in the '' JoVE Video Journal '' - illustrating scientific research - and by video-encyclopedia '' JoVE Encyclopedia of Experiments ''; the "Education" part contains educational videos to support university and post-graduate teaching of laboratory practices and methods mainly aimed at the medical area, psychological and behavioral sciences, and the STEM area (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics ). It is accessible from all the University network PCs; to access the contents from external devices it is sufficient to register in the database with your institutional email.
Video Tutorial [eng]
Cochrane Library
The Cochrane Library is a useful tool for orienting medical and nursing professional activities, in the clinical choices, long-term education, and service organizations. It collects all the systematic reviews (RS) produced by the Cochrane Collaboration, an international non-profit organization, and the protocols of the reviews in progress. It is a database composed of various databases, which can be queried together or separately: Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Methodology Register (CMR), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA), NHS Economic Evaluation Database (EED). The Cochrane Clinical Answers module is also available, providing concise answers to clinical questions and allowing for further insights thanks to the evidence-based content of systematic reviews. Cochrane database offers also the PICO search feature. See tutorial [ENG]. Proxy service is needed.
Visible Body
Visible Body è l'atlante interattivo di anatomia umana che consente di visualizzare l'anatomia macroscopica e la microanatomia come se ci si trovasse in laboratorio: illustra l'anatomia, la fisiologia, il sistema muscolare, l'apparato scheletrico e il sistema circolatorio attraverso modelli interattivi 3D, quiz e animazioni. E'inoltre disponibile l'app Visible Body con realtà aumentata, consultabile anhche offline dopo averla scaricata sui propri dispositivi mobili tramite la rete wifi UniGe.
Database Proquest: Health & Medical Collection, Healthcare administration database, Nursing & allied health Database, Public Health Database
All'interno del database multidisiplinare Proquest Central sono presenti diversi database biomedici
- Health and medical collection
ProQuest Health and Medical Collection combina titoli di riviste per la ricerca clinica con titoli sull'amministrazione sanitaria. Sono inclusi circa 1.500 publicazioni periodiche di cui almeno 1.300 in full text
- Healthcare Administration Database
ProQuest Healthcare Administration Database include pubblicazioni sui seguenti temi: Ospedali, Assicurazioni sanitarie, Diritto, Statistiche, Business management, Gestione del personale, Health economics, Amministrazione della sanità pubblica. Indicizza 800 riviste e circa 4.500 Tesi di dottorato.
- Nursing & Allied Health Database Prevede una copertura sui campi del nursing che include riviste, video, dissertazioni reference books. Temi trattati:Nursing, Physical therapy, Occupational therapy, Nutrizione Dietetetica, Igiene dentale, Riabilitazione.
- Public Health Database
Punto di partenza per informazioni e ricerche sulla sanità pubblica. Consente l'accesso a più di 800 publicazioni di cui 500 in full-text. Temi principali: Physical Fitness and Hygiene, Population Studies, Social Services and Welfare, Statistics, Drug Abuse and Alcoholism, Special Education and Rehabilitation, Industrial Health and Safety, Communicable Diseases, Allergology and Immunology, Pediatrics.
Norme EN, ISO e BSI online
Per iniziativa della Biblioteca della Scuola Politecnica è stato attivato l'accesso sulla piattaforma BSOL. L'abbonamento comprende norme EN e norme ISO L'abbonamento comprende sia le norme in vigore, sia le ritirate. L'accesso alla piattaforma avviene tramite indirizzo IP da rete di Ateneo. L’utilizzo delle norme è per i soli fini di studio e ricerca. Non è consentito farne un uso diverso da quello istituzionale, nè cedere le norme a terzi non autorizzati. E' disponibile una Guida all'uso Per l'accesso da fuori della rete di ateneo occorre utilizzare il proxy.
VDA NET newsletter
E' una newsletter quotidiana, che si riceve, su richiesta alla biblioteca, nella propria casella di posta elettronica e che aggiorna il professionista attraverso un monitoraggio sistematico di fonti quli: Gazzetta Ufficiale (Serie generale e parte seconda), AIFA Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco, EMA Agenzia Europea per i Medicinali, Commissione Europea, FDA Food and Drug Administration. Maggiori informazioni qui.
MedDRA (Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities) è un dizionario terminologico medico standardizzato sviluppato dall’ICH (International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use). Ricco di termini e altamente specifico, ha il fine di facilitare lo scambio di informazioni nell’ambito della regolamentazione internazionale per prodotti medicali usati da soggetti umani. La terminologia MedDRA si applica a tutte le fasi dello sviluppo di prodotti medicali per uso umano. L'ambito di applicazione di MedDRA include concetti medicali, concetti relativi alla sanità e alla regolamentazione riguardanti tali prodotti, oltre alla terminologia riguardante gli effetti dei dispositivi sulla salute umana. La lingua per l'interrogazione del dizionario è l'inglese. Sono disponibili informazioni in lingua italiana ed è possibile scegliere per l'interfaccia utente (UI) diverse lingue , tra le quali italiano, inglese, francese, spagnolo, portoghese, tedesco, ceco, ungherese, cinese, giapponese, coreano, russo.Tra gli strumenti offerti da MedDra è disponibile il MedDRA Mobile Browser (MMB) con interfaccia utente multilingue, per navigare dai dispositivi mobili IOS o Android. L'accesso ai contenuti, sia da postazioni in rete di Ateneo che da postazioni esterne, avviene tramite login con credenziali da richiedere alla biblioteca (
Curata dal NCBI (National Center of Biotechnology Information) della NLM (National Library of Medicine), PubChem è una banca dati gratuita di molecole chimiche composto da tre banche dati fattuali gratuite: PubChem Substance, PubChem Compound, PubChem Bioassay. PubChem Substance contiene informazioni sulle sostanze chimiche, PubChem Compound descrive le proprietà chimiche di questi composti e PubChem Bioassay include studi di bioattività effettuati dallo Developmental Therapeutic Program (NCBI), ognuno dei quali è linkato ai record di PubChem Substance. I tre database sono collegati ad altre banche dati della NCBI come PubMed, Protein e Structure. Come per PubMed, a cui PubChem è collegata, per accedere ad eventuali full text di pubblicazioni o per usufruire del servizio di fornitura di articoli quando ci si collega da postazioni esterne è necessario impostare sul proprio dispositivo il Proxy PAC.